Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Karmakaze II

Karma comes into existence when one, and only one, condition is met. The required experience must include the establishment of a dominant-submissive relationship. Only this situation can engender the reciprocating and self-propagating nature of the karmic bond. The key element and power of this state of soul lies in the fundamental property of any exchange. Resonance. Under conditions of respect (openness) and autonomy (sharing) the exchange brings about a resonance that serves to raise the vibratory rate of the participants. Raising the vibratory rate clarifies the vision of and surrounds the object under scrutiny. Both parties benefit from this perceptive increase and use this state to adjust their actions accordingly. The density of those actions and its application to the subtle bodies rectifies whatever aspect was unresponsive or misleading. This is how we rid ourselves of illusions and beliefs and benefit from knowing the nature of our reality. Lacking respect and promoting conflict, should the recipient submit, a karmic situation can occur. This is neither obligatory nor inevitable UNLESS submission is continued. In this instance, even resistance is futile, as it is but a form of recognition and thus empowerment of the domination. A resonant state is then entered into and the establishment of the karmic bond is solidified. With each and every contribution, the bond gets stronger and more well defined. As with any form, investing energy in its continuation and refinement is an impedance to evolution as well as a waste of creative energy. As suggested by the Teacher of Righteousness, turning the other cheek (ie NOT participating in the continuation and thusly depriving the resonance of its impetus) is the key. You will recognize the karmakaze by their obstinate approach and intransigence to reality. Rather than realize the impotence of their continued contributions, they will adamantly stick to their position, feeling that they only stand to gain by maintaining their involvement. Both sides of the relationship, no matter how convinced they are of the justification of their actions, will eventually exhaust their reserves and be obliged to add this experience to their baggage for use under different conditions at another time and place. The confluence of these energy flows will bring them back together eventually and resolution is not guaranteed but the spirit knows that this is the only way to nullify the pernicious influence of the bond. Real freedom comes from the strength that we exhibit to rupture the ties that bind and forge the links of our joining together. This is the autonomy that is needed to provide us with the means to take that next level, together.

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