Friday, October 19, 2012


Every journey is completed on its last step... Karma is just a tally sheet that you use while waiting for the "Jubilee" (ie resiliation and eradication of all debts). IOW, you can only get rid of your karmic involvement by walking away from it. No amount of further borrowing will get you out of debt. (Sounds suspiciously like our current financial situation... in fact, money as a means of exchange was never meant to decrease or diminish, like other forms of the exchange it is designed to add to and to increase.) Consider the human soul and its memorial baggage. Each incarnation is both new and novel (in terms of the ecology and constituent parts of the soul) because you are in a new time and environment. All of what went before and those adjustments associated with them are now included in the whole. Whatever aspects are no longer in need of repair are no longer in the "de-bugging" program.

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