Sunday, September 27, 2009


Reflection has a pejorative connotation when we consider that it puts us "behind the 8-ball" in terms of being able to deal with the current situation. You will agree that even a "repeat" performance can never be identical to it's predecessor because "time" has changed and so, therefore, has the event.

We have the advantage of an ever-increasing perspective to allow us the capacity to deal with any moment, within that same moment and no other.Time is not a metric so much as it is a consideration. It is flexible (as we note from our selective appreciation of the passage of time) depending on how we are using it.

To use the time that we are given is always our prerogative and removing it's influence is the job of our perception of reality. We free ourselves from our temporality by reducing it to the infinitesimal, ie the moment.

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