Thought power is an oxymoron. Your thoughts only have the power that you give them (that they then reflect right back at you, subtly altered with their own brand of "conditioning") and always to your detriment.
Stretching the truth is an expression that is used to describe wanting reality to conform to our desires. What we need is to appreciate reality for what it is and that is an ability that will banish all forms of interpretation to the trash-heap where they belong.
Stretching time is another aspect of our reflective natures. Time lasts forever when we are bored or in trouble or otherwise inconvenienced. Why is that? Only because we take those moments and reflect them continuously, thus stretching the fabric of time by filling it with needless echoes of our existence.
When we are in the moment, we circumvent the reflectivity of the thought process and enter into the realm of time-consciousness. Time ceases to exist because our perceptions are all solidly locked onto the object of our attention. In this way, we enable our perspective to remain outside of time and no longer be influenced by it's reflective component. Being outside of time means that time is contained within our consciousness and is therefore subject to our needs.
Isn't it about time?
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